Hot Weather Policy.
1 - I use both the Weather Channel website and the OSHA NIOSH Heat Safety Tool (Heat Index) app (coaches should download this) to monitor temperature. Sometimes different sites show different temperatures but these are what I'm using.
2 - The Heat Index is the most precise because it predicts what it will feel like based on various factors such as humidity, shade and wind (not just actual temp) because if its 100 degrees out but there are 40 mph winds, it may only feel like 90 in the sun and 80 in the shade.
3 - If the Heat Index is at 103 or higher, all practices and games will be canceled by the league. If the Heat Index is between 97-102 degrees, you may have a light practice and games may or may not be canceled. Obviously, if you decide to practice (or let your kids go to practice), give the kids plenty of time to rest and hydrate.
Please email Andy Su with any questions.
Andy Su, MD
President and Commissioner
MH Flag Football
Updated: January 4, 2022